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Mason County Animal Shelter
1965 Fairground Road,
Point Pleasant,
WV, 25550 Phone: 304-675-6458
E-mail: mcaswv@yahoo.com
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday: Viewing/Adoption 12pm-4pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
Lost and Found Pets are featured on our Facebook Page
Who we are
The Mason County Animal Shelter is a county shelter in the west of West Virginia. Animals are held in accordance with state requirements, and are redeemed by the owner, adopted, or as a last resort; euthanized. We are a high intake county shelter and need rescue help! Our county commission limits us to 25 dogs and 20 cats.
All the adoptions would not be possible without the amazing support of our community. You are all making a difference for every animal here with every post share, heart emoji and comment. Your generosity with donations makes life better for the animals while they are here. We can all be proud of our accomplishments together. Let us keep raising the bar to expand, reach new people and keep getting the word out that there are so many animals we can save and help and that it feels good to contribute to your community and know you can make a difference. Thank you all so much.

We would like to start a foster program at the shelter. If you have extra time and experience of caring for a dog or cat, but not sure of a life long commitment to a pet, then this may be something that would interest you. Some of our pets need help that we do not have time to do consistently. Leash walking, socializing, learning commands in a home environment would go a long way to helping some of these animals get adopted. It would give us valuable feedback on that animal and with proper training would help make them happier and more adoptable. If you would seriously be interested in fostering please let us know.

Lost your dog?
Stray dogs without identification are kept for 5 days so that the owner can claim it before we put the dog up for adoption or rescue.
Some of the stray dogs are featured on the Mason County Animal Facebook Page but not all are put here so contact the shelter if you have lost your dog.
Want to Adopt a dog?
1. Visit the Facility and Find a Pet
If you have seen a pet online then please phone 304-675-6458 to check that it is still available.
Fill in an Adoption Application Form. We will review your application and contact your vet for a reference. You must complete an Adoption Application form and pass reference checks before you can take a dog home 3. Meet the Pet
If you already have a dog, it is a good idea to bring your dog to meet the potential new dog to see if they get along. 4. Sign Adoption Contract
Sign the adoption paperwork and pay the adoption fee which covers vetting. Click here to read our Adoption Information and Conditions
Find the right dog for you
When looking for that new family member please remember to really think about the things you and your family want and need
in a pet that fits the family lifestyle. Get to know your breeds! Some breeds require more space, exercise and circumstances
than others. Even if you are going to adopt a mixed breed, look into what it's primary breed needs in a home,
environment and exercise. Your new family member needs to be wanted by everyone in the family and included
in your daily lives to be truly happy.
Click here for more information on how to find the right dog.
We need towels, blankets, hard and soft dog food, basic cleaning supplies and dog beds. We also have an Amazon Wishlist. See our Donation Page for other items we can use. You can also donate to our Medical Fund. For more information about how you can donate, see our Donation Page. On behalf of the dogs thank you. No Squeeky Toys Please
Toys that make a noise when you squeeze them can encourage some dogs to be aggressive towards young children because they squeek too. The device that makes the noise is usually small and can be harmful if swallowed. Some toys of this type contain a small battery which is poisonous if the dog eats it. The best toys are tuggers, tennis balls and hard chew toys that cannot be ripped apart.

Visiting Mason County Animal Shelter
Please phone us on 304-675-6458 to check that the dog you want to visit is still available.
Location Map of Mason County Animal Shelter, Point Pleasant, WV